Sunday, March 15, 2009

Iphone fun

So I finally got a phone! I am trying to set up my phone so I can send
blogs directly through it- if that makes any sense. I will make calls
today that I did not make yesterday I'm sorry for that!!! My new phone
number is 1-(646)-808-9796. Xxx

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Home it is...kinda

So as most of you know...I am currently back in the states- have been here actually for 14 days and my have they gone quickly.  I am sorry for those of you who have been reading my blog and then I just sort of drop you like a half eaten apple without really continuing.  I had it in my head that you all probably only wanted to hear about my 'fun' time and my 'adventures' and not what I just do randomly day to day here in the city.  Believe me, it's not much.  BUT then I thought, okay so maybe a few of you would like to know what I am doing in the city- especially if you haven't been here- and well also I miss writing.  I always said I wanted to be a writer when I got older, I would write all of these stories down on paper and then read them into this old tape recorder my dad gave me.  We found massive amounts of these tapes a few summers ago and they brought about many many laughs.  Not only were my stories ridiculous  (one was about my grandma's eyeballs floating around in a jar- to my knowledge I don't think that ever happened) but the trouble that I had reading my own writing and pronouncing the words is almost something worth paying to hear.  I have always been terrible with grammar and spelling and if you read my blogs I'm sure you can see I haven't improved much :).  

Anyways back to whatever it was I was talking about before- uh being in NYC.  So I'm here for one reason and one reason only- this is where John is and this is the first chance since 1999 that we have had the ability to actually be in the same place for longer than a break in school.  Pretty exciting huh?  Some of you may not support the whole going where he is if you haven't anything to do, but seriously what else would I do besides go home and live with my parents? Hmmm John or parents, John or is actually a sort of tough call but then if you add living in NYC or Milford, Iowa??? hmmmm I think John and NYC win out.  But I do love you mom and dad very much!!! Anyways so I'm here living with him until he's done with the program in the beginning of May.  I suppose I could have gotten my butt in gear and tried to find someone who would hire me for about two months but I decided to let this time be a time to be good to my body, work on my creative side, and explore a city that pretty much has everything you could ever imagine. order to do that I am taking Bikram yoga.  This type of yoga consists of the same 26 poses done in the same order every time and the room is heated to a steamy 110 degrees.  You get an extremely good workout AND a steam facial all in one.  What more could you ask for?   So far I have gone every single day for the past 7 days and much to my utter disbelief and disappointment, have only lost .4 of the 15 lbs I gained in Africa.  John has also signed up and gone 4 times and I think is down something like 4 lbs. :).  As  soon as it gets nice out I also plan on running...which I guess it is decently nice out so I should stop giving that as an excuse and get my butt in gear.  As far as working on my creative side I have started the process of teaching myself how to play the guitar and I am working up the nerve to buy the (expensive) Rosette Stone for learning Italian.  

I am planning on exploring the city and can not wait to do that when I have people here visiting!!! This is also another reason why I job would just be ever so inconvenient.  John's parents are coming next week, Victoria is coming April 9-12, Whitney is coming the 17-22, and my mom and john's aunt are coming the 20-25, and hopefully JennaBell can squeeze a visit in there somewhere!!! SO I am quite excited to have other people with me to explore this vast and wonderful city.  John is worried that I will get stir crazy as he actually has to buckle down and learn a lot of music during this next month or so.  This means keeping myself busy for most of the day and part of the night while he is either at the met or working on music here at night.  I'm up for the challenge however, all I need is a good book, the guitar, and nice weather to go outside in.  

I think that's about all for the moment.  so far nothing too exciting has happened.  I am still without a phone- hopefully not for much longer however.  I think I'll head off for a run, wish me luck!